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ez-pine-gpg v0.4h

ez-pine-gpg is a set of scripts that allows beginners and experts to use gpg with Pine. There are plenty of other applications that allow gpg to be used with Pine: This one is intended to be the best, since it merges intuitive use with powerful features. The result is an application that's not only fast and secure, but also perfect for novices and power-users alike.

  • Sign & encrypt
  • Sign only
  • Encrypt only
  • Decrypt
  • Verify

This was written partly because I needed features that weren't available in similar applications, and partly because I want to make it easier for people to use gpg. Other applications just failed to impress me due to size, speed, security, complexity, functionality and user interface. I like to think that these problems are now solved. When something does go wrong, like a mistyped pass-phrase, failed signature, etc, these filters should fail gracefully and sensibly.

Unlike other gpg filters for Pine, this suite has built-in smarts for dealing with roles and dash-addresses. See the README for details.

Everyone likes screen-shots, so here's a bunch:

Pine configuration for using ez-pine-gpg. You must specify the complete and correct path. Highlighted here is the display-filter.

When sending you can select which filter to use. This compose screen is displaying the custom headers.

The application gives a very clear indication of what it's doing: In this shot it's requesting a pass-phrase to sign a message. It also gives clear instructions for how to cancel the action, if desired.

When viewing inline messages, they are automatically sent through the incoming filter. This message may be briefly visible while the message is being processed.

Here a signature is being verified. Included in this display is the machine name and current date & time. Displaying this information helps ensure that the message has really been processed, and isn't just formatted to look like it has passed through the filter.

If you use multiple roles, it's a good idea to include a KeyID header, such as this. If you don't know what roles are, you don't need to worry about this.

See also:

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