the most current version of this documentation can be found /scripts/honeypot/ v1.31 distributed under GPL this text will grow as people send questions to me Atom* don't expect a response to any emails, unless the email comes with a big fat veggie burger or a paypal donation. the honeypot.tgz tar-ball contains the following 3 files: 1) README.txt 2) index.php 3) .htaccess the following ASSumptions are made: 0) you are familiar with files, directories, etc. 1) you have access to a current apache web server 2) the server has a current version of mod_php installed and running ****************** ** INSTRUCTIONS ** ****************** A) place the index.php and .htaccess in a directory to be used for baiting spambots. B) if necessary, change the "RewriteBase" directory of the .htaccess file, to correspond to the directory where it is. C) if you sysadmin won't allow you to use .htaccess files, try begging. buy him (or her) a big fat veggie burger. D) if your sysadmin still refuses to extend to you the benefits of .htaccess, then change line 27 of index.php so that the "htaccess_enabled" variable is 'no'.